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Week 3: Analysis of Dichotomous vs. Continuous Variables

Slides are here:

To prepare for this class:

A. Please read the following:

    • from PDQ Statistics, pages 35-40 “Comparison of Means of Two Samples”
    • from PDQ Statistics, page 198-204 on “Box Plots” and “Missing Data”

B. Please consider the following questions for discussion in class:

    1. What is the standard error and how is it related to the standard deviation?
    2. How can we calculate the 95% confidence interval around a mean?
    3. What methods can we use to visualize the relationship between a continuous variable and a dichotomous variable?

C. Get your radon dataset ready for analysis

  • Pick a method for dealing with values <LOD and stick with it for the rest of the term
  • Ensure that you have one column with the untransformed data and one column with the log-transformed data

Objectives of this class:

A. Hypothesis generation for dichotomous variables

  • Which variables in the radon dataset are dichotomous?
  • How might they be associated with the radon concentrations?
  • How can we test our hypotheses?

B. Visualization of continuous variables by dichotomous variables

  • Density plots for each value of the dichotomous variable
  • Box plots

C. Comparing the means to two samples

  • t-test and its null hypothesis
  • What is a 1-tailed test?
  • What is a 2-tailed test?

D. Simple linear regression

  • Dependent and independent variables
  • The null hypothesis
  • Interpretation of coefficients
  • Standard reporting

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

School of Population and Public Health
2206 East Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604 822 2772

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